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Reach Your Capital Campaign Goals with Amy Eisenstein!

Join DonorSearch throughout the months of March, April, and May for an exciting collaboration with Amy Eisenstein, CEO/co-founder of the Capital Campaign Toolkit! 

Read below for access to her FREE guide and to sign up for her upcoming debut on the DonorSearch Philanthropy Masterminds series!

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Capital Campaign in Your Future?

Make it Happen, One Step at a Time!

Capital campaigns are an incredible way to fund big, bold ideas. But you might find the prospect of a campaign daunting.

The Capital Campaign Toolkit provides a complimentary Capital Campaign Checklist & Guide to demystify the process. It breaks your campaign down into comprehensive phases and steps.

  • Learn exactly what’s required for each campaign phase
  • Discover how to manage your campaign, one step at a time
  • Lead your entire campaign with confidence!

With this guide, you’ll be able to visualize your whole campaign, from start to finish!


Save Your Seat at Amy's Webinars!

  • How to Get Your Board Ready for a Capital Campaign

Tuesday, March 29th at 3:30 PM EST

Considering a Capital Campaign? Your board members are probably anxious. Join Amy Eisenstein, CEO and Co-Founder of the Capital Campaign Toolkit to learn how to help your board members feel confident about heading into a campaign.

  • CFRE ACCREDITED: How to Plan an Effective Capital Campaign Using New Tools and Technology

Tuesday, May 17th at 3:30 PM EST

If there is a capital campaign in your future, this session is for you! A capital campaign is likely the largest amount your organization has ever tried to raise… often even 10 times more than you currently raise. The good news is that you don’t have to do it alone! There are tools, technology, and virtual resources to help you on your path. Learn how to prepare for a campaign and create a campaign plan using the latest tools to ensure your campaign is a success. You will: Learn the critical stages and timeline of a campaign; Identify new resources available to help make your campaign effective and affordable; and, Leave feeling confident and empowered about planning a successful campaign.